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Why Solar

There are 2 main reasons that motivate us to invest in solar energy.

To reduce our carbon footprint

To reduce our energy bills

Designing Your System

We design your system to meet your usage and daily lifestyle and optimise it for either reducing your energy bills or reducing your carbon footprint.

Do Pitch & Orientation Affect Performance?

In the UK, the optimum position for a panel is facing due south and tilted upwards at an angle of 38°. However, any position between south-east and south-west at an angle between 20° and 50° will perform incredibly well.

North-facing roofs can also benefit from solar panels, their output is typically 50% less than a south facing roof, but it’s still harnessing free energy and can significantly reduce your electricity bill.


What is an Inverter?

An inverter converts direct current (DC) electricity from sources such as batteries or fuel cells to alternating current (AC). The electricity can be at any voltage required; in particular, it can power AC equipment designed for mains operation or be rectified to produce DC at any voltage required.

Solar Panels

We fit ALL BLACK mono panels with BIRD-PROOFING and a 25 YEAR performance warranty AS STANDARD. They are highly efficient whilst also being more attractive than traditional solar panels.

Solar Panel Fitting

Storing Your Energy

The revolutionary introduction of home battery storage has brought solar back in the game! During daylight hours, any unused solar energy can now be stored for use later that evening. Cheers to that!

Batteries are expensive so it’s important to get the size right for your needs and you may benefit from changing your energy tariff.


To capture the excess solar energy generated in the daytime so you can use it in the evening.


To charge up overnight when energy is cheap and use in the daytime when it would otherwise be expensive.

Solar & other Technologies

You can not only store excess solar energy in your battery for later use, but it can also be utilised in your electric vehicle and your hot water cylinder. Beware though, it’s unlikely you can use all these storage options efficiently at the same time.

Hot Water Solar Diverter

If you are looking to reduce the amount of gas that you burn then you could take advantage of heating your hot water tank using surplus solar energy. We recommend a product called Eddi, manufactured in the UK by MyEnergi who also produce a popular EV charger called Zappi. These two products work well together by diverting excess solar energy into your electric vehicle (Zappi) or into your hot water cylinder (Eddi).

Electric Vehicle Charging

With a time-based electricity tariff you could charge your vehicle overnight at a very cheap off-peak rate. With an EV charger that has a solar-charging facility you could also benefit from charging the vehicle using your excess solar generation. This would only be effective in the summer months and you may find that it is better to charge your storage batteries first before charging the electric vehicle.

Why Kimble Solar?

Our Vision

To reverse the damage being caused to our beautiful planet we need to make change, and fast. In an ever-advancing world with new scientific discoveries to assist this change, we want to be a leading driving force that rapidly delivers new planet-saving technologies into homes across the UK. The UK is one of the foremost countries on the world stage so let’s lead by example and make change happen.

The Kimbletech Promise

We understand that investing in Solar is a very significant purchase that requires a lot of deliberation, which is why Kimbletech strive to provide our customers with an outstanding personal service, helping you to make informed choices and delivering a perfect installation.
We invest our time and energy into the research of Solar PV and green technologies, so that we can be the experts in our field, ensuring that you get the right products and the correct advice.

Our vision for Kimble Solar is simple: To make the journey from start to finish hassle-free and effortless. To deliver customers an outstanding personal service that focuses on quality, honesty, value for money, customer satisfaction and working towards a greener planet.

About Us

Based in High Wycombe

Family-run business

Established in 2011

Renewable energy focused

5-star customer service

Founder and Renewables Nerd, Chris

Chris (The Boss) is an engineering graduate with a family background in construction. He founded Kimbletech in 2011 as a solo electrician but has since developed an outstanding team of diligent installers and attentive support staff.

At the beginning of 2022 he shifted the company focus into renewable energy, dedicating his time to researching the best existing and immerging innovative technologies. You really are in exceptionally capable hands. 

Rebecca, our operations manager (also Chris’s sister)

Bec is our account manager / super-star

Solar Panel Team Photo

Team Kimbletech celebrating our Gold Award after winning Bucks SME Business of the Year (Less than 50 employees) 2022


The Future is Here

Kimble Solar is a trading name of Kimbletech Ltd, Company Registration Number 07566047, United Kingdom.

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