Free eBook Reveals The 10 Crucial Things You Must Be Aware Of When Choosing Your Solar Installer

We know that choosing an installer can be a minefield, and with such a large investment at stake, we’re sharing our exclusive industry insider top tips to ensure you have a positive experience and keep your hard-earned investment safe.

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'HARVEST THE SUN: 10 Crucial Things You Must Be Aware Of When Choosing Your Solar Installer.'

When you start your solar journey, you’re going to come across a sea of solar PV installation companies. Large nationwide firms, one man bands, recommending wildly different system designs. So before you invest in solar PV read this free eBook resource and it will help you make a more educated decision to keep your investment and property safe.

In this exclusive eBook we’ll reveal:

  • Which accreditations a solar installation firm must hold
  • What you must check as part of your due diligence
  • The truth about how many firms operate
  • And much more!

Here’s are some more invaluable pieces of information you can expect when you download your free eBook…


The Importance of HIES

You may have never heard of the HIES Consumer Code, but it’s one of the most important things to check for when choosing your solar installer. This provides the ultimate protection for customers.


Why Discount Packages Are Loss-Making

A discount could result in you losing money? Yes! When it comes to solar panels, we share why the online discount product packages you see are always a false economy, and what you should look for instead.


The Difference Between In-Home Vs Desktop Quotes

There are pros and cons to both, so we lay these out in this free report so you can choose the method most suitable for you and your project, and help you avoid issues down the line.


Online Reviews Are Key

We all know reviews are important, but we advise where is best to look online for solar installer reviews, and what to look out for to ensure they are genuine reviews.


The Long-Term Impact

This report highlights not only why choosing the wrong installer will impact your project in the short-term, but how it can also affect your system performance and return on investment well into the future.

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